What is in this directory: * Unreal_Tournament_2004.zip_.001 - 004.ZIP are the parts of the zipped disc image of the game DVD, downlaod them all. * ut2004macpatch33692.dmg_.bz2 (198.53 MB) - is the final patch (3369.2) that updates the game application to a Universal Binary and includes the Epic Mega Pack, as well as some fixes. This update will install over any previous retail version, but will not upgrade the UT2004 demo, nor any version of UT2003. ## Compatibility Architecture: PPC (Powermac G4, G5) Mac OS X 10.2.8 G4 933MHz or faster 256 MB RAM 6 GB free hard drive space 32 MB ATI Radeon/NVidia GeForce 2 or higher