C=64 again / short references
[18th Oct 2024]
Actually, I am playing aroung with my C=64 (Link) again. I love it to use a wifi modem to connect to different BBS like its 1984 again, like in the movies from that area you know? But sometimes I play games. I own a device for the user port that can handle sdcards so I can transfer files via this. The problem is, it can only handle "*.prg" files directly. But my beloved turrican is only available as D64 disk image file but I am unable to transfer it to a diskette, sorry. Are there any ways?
As I start again I attached a shortreference with the common 5 basic commands for the C=64 as a PDF.
C64 BASIC V2 Commands:
- LOAD "*",8,1 - Loads a program from disk.
- SAVE "PROGRAM",8 - Saves a program to disk.
- LIST - Displays the program in memory.
- RUN - Executes the program.
- NEW - Clears the program from memory.
- PRINT - Outputs text or variables.
- INPUT - Allows input during program execution.
- POKE - Writes a value to a specific memory address.
- PEEK - Reads a value from a specific memory address.
Disk Commands:
- LOAD "$",8 - Loads the disk directory.
- OPEN 1,8,15 - Opens the disk channel for advanced commands.
- PRINT#1,"N0:DISKNAME,ID" - Formats the disk.
- PRINT#1,"S0:PROGRAM" - Deletes a program from the disk.
- c64_short_reference.pdf (1,6 KB PDF File)
- Commodore 64 Reference Guide.pdf (66 Kb, PDF File)