Telnet Client Mac OS 9
[28th Feb 2025]
Something I always try and first do if I can is to go online with any vintage computer I can get my hands of. It is not important if this is a C=64, a Amiga 1200 or my iMac G3. I love it to set the machine up, the Amiga with a 16 Bit PCMCIA Network Card with all the things to deal around to get TCP/IP working or even the TCP/IP Stack on MS-DOS based Win 3.11 Computer. I even started a small Linux Server to serve FTP and more important SAMBA 1 for those old vintage computers - and it works.
Original Login 2025 via Telnet to my Vintage Server
So the other thing I always need is a Terminal Client to connect to some old BBS like in the days the now vintage computers were new and young. And there is a little bit of a problem for Mac OS 9. But now I think I found a client who works. It is called Better Telnet.
BetterTelnet is a Telnet client for Mac OS prior to X (7/8/9), based upon the final release of the classic NCSA Telnet. The final BetterTelnet release is 2.0fc1. Jean-Pierre Stierlin maintained MacSSH for some time after BetterTelnet development ceased, and most users who happen to be stuck on a Mac OS 7/8/9 machine should probably look there instead. This page may eventually have some updates for MacSSH.