[24th Feb 2025]
Here I will list some usefull links for me and maybe also for you.
The Amiga Stuff
- 68k-News - News for vintage HTML Browser, aggregated from known sources
- 68k-Aminet - the great amiga software portal since 1992; one of the oldest repositories for software in the world
- - biggest german Amiga News Website, long time alive.
- …
The Classic Mac Stuff
- Macintosh Garden - great site for old Mac games, system software and abandoned applications
- Macintosh Repository - a sanctuary for old software of the classic Mac OS era
- Mac GUI - customize your Mac's look and feel with Themes, Desktops, Icons, Widgets, etc..
- Mac OS 9 Lives - tips and software for running the Classic Mac OS; audio-centric focus
- U-Mich Software Archives - large legacy software collection, for Macs and other platforms
- Max1zzz's Classic Mac Server - another vast collection of Mac system and application software
- The Gryphel Project - 68k era Mac software and home of the Mini VMac Mac Plus emulator
- E-Maculation - dedicated to emulation of the classic Macintosh computer in OS X, Windows and Linux
- PowerPC Software Archive - links to the most current PowerPC compatible versions of many programs
- The Mac Driver Museum - old hardware drivers for Mac printers, disks, video cards and related items (partial archive)
- MacFixer Mac Software Library - a growing compendium of early Mac system, utility and game installers
- Textplore Classic MacOS8&9 Editor - This page contains a number of demo versions of Imaja software and sample files. These are all Mac OS applications and documents.
Other maybe interesting Stuff
- - down
- - down
- ipingthereforeiam - big big ressource of BBS and everything else.
- - Vintage Computers Enthusiast Bo Zimmermanns Website. A really big file section area, a lot of C=64 stuff and the website is also available without https for better vintage computing experience, like mine is.
other vintage
- - This Website lists every Monitor known to work down to 15 Khz, to use with vintage Computers like the AMIGA and others.
- Enigma BBS Software - how to install and use a complete new written BBS-Server on your own Linux Server.
- Oldweb Browser Emulation - want to test your Website with Internet Explorer 4, Netscape 3 or something else? Check this link.
- OpenSTEP 4.2 Ressources - Install ISO, Boot and Driver Disks
- Repair of Dallas clock modules with empty battery - The manufacturers of many old computers used modules that contain some RAM, a clock and a 3 V Lithium-manganese dioxide battery inside a potted plastic housing.
- 64er-Magazin - Als Kunstprojekt deklariert, veröffentlicht ein Fan alle Ausgaben der damals einflussreichen Zeitschrift 64er zum C=64 online – wie damals eine Ausgabe monatlich.
- The Floodgap - personal repository for information technology research, historical computing research, and open source software (especially for retrocomputing and information retrieval technologies);
other related me
- Weitere informationen - - preserve my domain
- - Hier schreibe ich über technische Dinge.
- - Mein vintage computing-Server.
- - Monday Monday - Hier schreibe ich derzeit gar nicht.
- Herr Montag ~ Verschlungene Muster; Schreibt lyrische Kleinzeiler; findet das mit dem Fröhlichsein quatsch ~
The PC Stuff