Welcome to my vintage Webserver with ftp; Files and Stuff for ms-dos, c64, amiga, howtos, classic mac


Here you'll find a list about news towards this website. Maybe it's interesting to read about "what's going on"...


2024-09-08 Installed a static HTML Plugin for my CMS, so the content should be delivered really fast. This is important because my content isnt chagning really often, but the small arm server is on its limit. With the static cache it shoud run like charme no files
2024-08-21 I just updated my linux server os to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS lates incarnation. Beside that I tried to compile the 4.1.15 Kernel to a newer version, but it is sheerly impossible Jammy Jellyfish
2024-08-08 My Server is now also available via the gemini networking protocol. There is no content yet, but it works. You can read a lot more information about gemini here. Link
2024-06-06 Wrote an article on how to update Windows 2000 to the latest available patch, but than found out there is an ISO file with all the updates with an installer. Read the article here.
2024-06-04 Tweaked the server, especially php-fpm, nginx etc. to drive this website faster than before. I hope I've done a good job and the sites overall performance is better than before. No Files.
2024-05-22 This Website is now also available via SSL Encryption and https but I prefer to use http, because this is what vintage computers speak, when they speak. https / http
2024-05-10 Hello World. nothing
2024-03-20 We uploaded a bunch of MS-Dos application, tools and so on for Net, BBS, Graphic etc., pp., you can find it at our FTP-Server. We put an index.txt in every folder with explanation of every tool, zip and exe. All for MS-Dos
2024-03-20 Just added a lot of "Net" Files for Windows 16 Bit, aka Win3.1X. You can find it via FTP or WEB-FTP. You can find an index.txt in every folder, explaning the content with a short description for every program. All for Win3.1X
2024-03-15 Finally I managed to display the Files of the PUB FTP Server as Web Directory. You can find the link in the Navigation or you click here. No Files
2024-03-13 Our BBS is up and running. Look at the corresponding Page. It is at the moment very stock, no custom configurations are made but I look forward to customize it. And here it is: telnet:// No FIles
2024-03-12 We are trying to built our own BBS. That just started so I don't know were it leads. No FIles
2024-03-04 There is a new version of the C=64 Terminal Program CCGMS with the Name CCGMS Future. I just compiled it and will add the download if it works. Soon to be testing on my C=64. UPDATE: It works great. The Software is able to switch with F8 in ASCI/PETSCII 40 and 80 Column Mode on the fly. Try it out, good. Here you can read a litte bit more about. Download CCGMS Future PRG (Web / FTP)
2024-03-01 We are back on the old Server, FTP is working again. No Files
2024-03-04 Meanwhile trying grav cms on my old server again, but storage is not fast enough for symphony etc no files
2024-01-01 Happy new year No Files.
2023-10-20 Meanwhile we implemented an Update-Concept for this Website, the Server and so on. It is now working and we are happy. Quick, lets check some Mails with the old iMac G3 No Files for this content
2023-10-17 Trying to migrate the HTML-Files-Only Website to Grav CMS. Update #Done Link To Grav CMS
2023-10-16 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. no files at all
2023-10-09 The Drive for the Newsserver Leafnode ran out of Inodes, while enough megabytes where free. This is a problem occours wehn a lot of snall files are saved. For every saving it needs space and indodes for metadata. if there are a lot of small files the inodes are out. I needed to backup the whole drive, reformat it with a higher count of inodes because now I know I want to store the usenet on it and recopy everything. But it took me a while to figure out what happens here. Read More
2023-09-29 No News at all but the Amiga 1200 with Turbocard is working great again. Only the FD0 Diskdrive is producing an Error in Amiga OS, while a booting from disk directly is working perfectly. No Files at all
2023-09-02 updated that website with macromedia dreamweaver on an iMac G3 - just for the lulz nothing
2023-01-20 Finally I made it. I compiled a new Kernel 4.1.15 for my Utilite Pro Linux ARM Device.
uname -a: Linux utilite 4.1.15-cm-fx6-8.0-g13fe6a7c3707-dirty #7 SMP PREEMPT Tue Jan 17 13:52:01 CET 2023 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
Here is the HowTo
2022-10-24 Still unsuccessful. Like my entire life. I don't get it to recompile a kernel with all the stuff I know and I downloaded (dtbs, dts, standard configs etc. pp.) wich will work with my Compulab Utilite Pro. Here is a How To to compile. Here is the stuff (ftp). Here is the Kernel i used!
2022-10-23 I try to compile a newer Version of the LINUX Kernel than 3.14 is because Apache 2 is not working with older Kernels anymore. The feature of /dev/random is since then a part of the kernel and Apache with Version 2.4.52 which is now part of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is using this and won't start if it can't find this feature. I don't know if there is other software that needs a newer Kernel Version, but since yet I came good over the time. NO?!
somewhere 2017 Endlich habe ich es geschafft und das gebraucht erworbene Utilite Pro so bearbeitet, dass ich a) ein Ubuntu Linux 14.04. installieren konnte und b) auf einen passenden Kernel dazu. Nun bootet mein ARM-Device und ich kann es endlich für gewisse interne Server-Dienste nutzen. Even No!

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