Backup CF Card
[9th Jun 2024]
How to Backup your AMIGA CF Card
If you own an AMIGA and there is a working CF-Card with a good installation in it, maybe you want to backup the whole thing just in case. Here is how you do it.
- Download and install WinImage
- Remove your CF card from your Amiga (carefully!)
- Plug the CF into your PC's USB Card reader
- DO NOT let Windoze format the CF
- In the menu bar at the top choose 'Disk/Create Virtual hard Disk Image from Physical Drive'
- Select the Disk you wish to backup from the list
- Choose a place and name for your CF HDD Image File
- Make a Coffee and wait whilst the progress bar makes it's way from left to right...

Here are the steps to restore your backup file:
- Insert your blank CF card into your PC's USB Card Reader
- Open WinImage
- In the menu bar at the top choose 'Disk/Restore Virtual Hard Disk Image on Physical Drive'
- Choose the Disk you want to restore to *Be very careful not to choose the wrong Disk as you could erase another drive by mistake!* You have been warned
- Browse to your backup folder and choose the image to be restored
- Now it's just a case of waiting for the image to be written to the CF Card.
This only works with identical or bigger CF-Cards, you cant restore an image from a bigger card to a smaller one.
Started with Frontpage Express and Made with nano on 02.08.2021